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Monday, July 30, 2007

Anniversary fun

So Matt and I got away yesterday for our anniversary. Thank you all the for wonderful wishes. (Oh, and Matt did not like that first picture from our wedding I posted. I'll try to find a better one for him later. He thinks he looks drunk in that one, and he never had anything to drink that day. We didn't want alcohol there, plus neither of us were technically old enough for it.)

After church on Sunday, my parents came over to spend the afternoon with Zachariah. Then Matt and I headed out to a neighboring town for lunch. (Or as Matt called it lupper - lunch/supper.) We tried a new restaurant. It was pretty good. We brought at least half of our dinners home. Probably because we ordered an appetizer (which was super yummy crab stuffed mushrooms), then the bring hot rolls, then they bring a salad. That alone is more than I usually eat for lunch. I was getting full before our meals even came out. But I managed to eat about half of it. The rest will make great left-overs for dinner tonight.

Then we went miniature golfing. Matt and I are always competitive with that, but we have so much fun. And of course Matt beat me. It helps that he's a golfer and I'm not. It was fun, and I even had 3 holes-in-one. :D

After golfing we went to the mall there. I couldn't believe all the sales on clothes. Matt bought a pair of jeans for about $6. I saw lots of kids clothes on sale, but I have two problems with buying clothes for Zachariah. He doesn't need any more clothes for the summer, and I have no idea what size to buy him for next summer. Plus I don't want to blow the clothing budget on clothes for next year, when he will need clothes for this fall very soon. Plus he needs more pajamas, because he's too long for all his one-piece sets. Anyway, so I didn't buy anything.

Before we headed home, we stopped at Cold Stone Creamery for ice cream. I had the Birthday Cake Remix. That was the best ice cream I've ever had. I loved the cake batter ice cream. Mmmm. It was a good ending to a fun afternoon. We didn't do anything incredibly romantic, but we truly enjoyed just spending a little time to ourselves.

When we got home, we found that my parents and Zachariah had a great time. They took him out to lunch, and he got his own meal. We never do that, we just cut up things off our plates and give him that. Mom said that he ate more than half of his meal, so I was happy to hear that. They played with him and had so much fun. He took one short grandpa's lap in the recliner instead of in his bed. Geesh, they spoil this kid. Then my mom gave him oreos, while he was wearing a white shirt. What was she thinking??!! He of course stained it. Then she changed him out of it...into another white shirt! He has a whole closet full of clothes, and that's what she pulled out! I'm starting to think she's been away for this motherhood thing for too long. You wouldn't know she had 3 kids, plus babysat for years after that. A white shirt? Really Mom. Just makes me laugh...what else can I do? But anyway, I know he got lots of love and attention. He tried to leave with them even. Guess Matt and I will have to get away more often. I won't complain about that.

1 comment:

2Forgetful said...

Sounds like a nice anniversary. You'll have to update your profile because you've no longer been married "for 6 years."

The white shirt thing is too funny and sounds just like my MIL. All I can say is that Oxyclean works wonders if you soak it overnight. (Really, I did it a few weeks ago on all our bibs and they look brand new!)