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Monday, July 23, 2007


I've been MIA this weekend. I haven't read blogs. I haven't written blogs. What did I do that was so time consuming and important? Nothing really.

I got wrapped up in a good book and finished it last night. Since I had read so much of that, I really didn't feel like reading online too. And Matt had been using my laptop most of the weekend.

Several of you wanted to know how Thursday night went. We went to the program at church with Zachariah. He seemed to enjoy watching it for a while. He would stand on the pew between us and "dance" to the music and watch all the lights and actors. But then...he was up...he was down...he was climbing on us and the pew. He was playing peek-a-boo with the friends behind us. It got exhausting. He wasn't being bad, but this kid has a lot of energy. And it was hard to keep all that energy contained to a 4 foot area. To be fair I thought he was doing pretty well. About 10 minutes before the intermission he started getting really anxious and LOUD. Matt quickly scooped him up and left the sanctuary. He walked around the lobby with him for a while, so I could watch the performance. So at intermission I packed up all the toys and snacks that we'd tried to keep Zachariah entertained with and headed out to the lobby. I told Matt we could leave. At this point it was already an hour and a half past his bedtime. Knowing there was at least another hour left of the performance, I knew there was no way we'd make it to the end unless Matt just stayed in the lobby the rest of the time with the kid. We left. And it was OK. I was glad we got away for a little while. And I do know how the show ended, because it was the same performance as last year only with a new twist.

For most of the weekend we just stayed at home. Boring. But I'm glad that I got to read my book and finish it. And Saturday morning Matt even took Zachariah out for a while, so I had some peace and quiet. I cleaned. Oh well. I hope you all had a great weekend. Welcome to Monday.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Well you knew someone would ask what you were reading. . . was it Harry Potter? Don't be ashamed, lots of us were doing it this weekend! ;-)

If it wasn't Harry Potter, I'd like to know what it was that you were wrapped up in. And not in a creepy stalker way, just because I'm always looking for a good read.