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Friday, June 1, 2007

Updating and additions

Today I was thinking about how refreshing blogging has been to me these past several months. It's been therapeutic almost. For years I've wanted to journal, but I know I'll never stick to it so I don't even start. Then when I got pregnant I had a strong urge to journal, but I got wrapped up in other things and decided it wasn't worth all the effort. And a little more than 6 months ago I found some mommy blogs. I loved reading about other mommies and their lives. Their problems, blessings, and every day situations. And I thought to myself maybe this is what I've been looking for. And honestly, so far it's been everything I've needed. I love blogging and especially reading other blogs. I'm not a great writer, but just to put some things into words is wonderful. I feel better just pounding the words out on the keyboard and then releasing them to the world.

At the same time I've been thinking about the other blogs I read. I have a whole list and others I've checked out before, but I don't have on my Google Reader list. After we were gone on vacation for a week, I've barely been able to keep up with the blogs I missed. I have been trying to catch up, and now I'm current with most of my favorite reads. But I've been really negligent in posting comments to my favorite bloggers. So, I'm so very sorry to those of you who I haven't commented to in a while. I will try to get better about that.

And I wanted to see who all is reading this blog. Please leave me a comment if you stop by my blog regularly. If you blog and I'm not reading you already, I'd love to check out your blog. Plus maybe you can find a new blogger friend in my comments this way. I also want to make sure that I add you to my "reading" list on my blog page. I think it's only right that if you enjoy reading and stop regularly here that I give you a little shout-out in that was. So, look at my list and if you're not on there yet, be sure to let me know. I've fallen behind in keeping up with that too.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you all -- even you lurkers. I'd love to get to know who you are. ;) And to all the great bloggers out there, keep blogging my friends.


Anonymous said...

I'm not the best about commenting, but I am a very regular reader! :)

Bunny said...

I guess I mostly lurk around here, but I am keeping up with your goings ons.

d e v a n said...

I read regularly too, though now I'm often nursing, so it's hard to comment. I hate typing one handed. :)

Julia said...

I read/lurk devan mostly when I'm nursing. So I don't get to comment too often.

I enjoy reading what you write!!

kristi said...

Hi, I just came across your blog but I'll be reading and visiting!

Jennifer said...

I have you in Google reader! I try to comment when I have two hands free!

Sarah said...

I check your blog whenever I'm online!

Kelsey said...

I try to leave comments, but some times I'm just reading through. I do check in on you pretty regularly though! blapher said...

Great post. Blogging is a wonderful release! I'm a frequent reader of your blog.

-the blapher

Swistle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Black Sheeped said...

Yikes, I'm late. I'm not always the best commenter, or even blog reader lately due to everything being busy busy, but I read you regularly. Duh!

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

I read often. Comment most of the time.