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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

V is for Vacation

In about 5 weeks (eek! just had a little panic attack) we'll be going on vacation. YEAH! We are going to Gatlinburg, TN. Matt and I went there 2 1/2 years ago (while I was pregnant) for a weekend. Since we were only there a few days we didn't get to do a whole lot. And there is a LOT to do there. We're still trying to decide what all we'd like to do.

We've had our cabin rented for months. There were so many great ones to choose from, but I think we'll love this one. I can't wait to relax in the hot tub or pretend to play pool while Zachariah is in bed.

One of the things we know for sure we'd like to do down there is take Zachariah to the Ripley's Aquarium. He has already stolen our brochure and looks at it a lot. He's excited. We've been telling him we'll take it there.

We already know there is plenty of great shopping in the area, and I hope to enhance our summer wardrobes while we're there.

There are lots of great places to eat. I definitely want to take Matt to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. I ate there in Chicago on navy Pier when I was 4 weeks pregnant and craving fish. ;) Matt's never been there, but he will love it more than me. We've also seen lots of other places to eat that catch our interest. We had originally planned to cook most of our meals, but now we're thinking we may eat out more.

I'd also love to hear from those of you who have been to this area before. What would you say we must do? Where are the places we should eat? (We may be taking a short trip to Greenville to eat a great BBQ place with Matt's uncle, aunt, and cousin.)

I'm sure I'll have plenty more to say about our trip before and after we go. For now I really should start jotting down a few ideas while they are fresh in my mind.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like so much fun! I've never been there, but have relatives who have; they thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm sure you guys will, too!

2Forgetful said...

Ooooo, that looks like a great trip! Can't wait to hear all about it. (Especially since I just spent 20 minutes looking through the cabin website and sighing over those beautiful views.)

d e v a n said...

Sounds like fun! You won't be all that far from where I live!

kristi said...

That cabin is AWESOME! HAVE FUN!!

mamashine said...

You'll have a great time- it looks like so much fun! I haven't been there, but we've seen the Ripley Aquarium in Myrtle Beach and it is awesome. Zachariah will love it! G was about his age when she got so splashed by rays that we had to buy her a new shirt in the gift shop. :)

Saly said...


How far of a drive is that?