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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The way you do the things you do

Cute things my new 2 year old is doing/has done lately/has said lately:

1. He charms all the workers in the church nursery every week.

2. Next week he'll move up to the 2 year old nursery. I think he's ready, but he'll really miss the babies. Although he can play with Addy now. ;)

3. Zachariah has been stringing 2-3 words together to form "sentences" now. Like when we were getting ready to leave church last night, he wanted my hand and said "Mommy...hand".

4. He's saying "Mommy" instead of "Mama" now. Matt got him started on this, but it's stuck. And when he wants to be really annoying he shouts "Moooooom meeeeeee".

5. He will spend a long time building towers with blocks. When they get to tall, he'll knock them over and start all over again. This provides a lot of entertainment.

6. Zachariah has discovered the joy of television. So far he's watched (and liked) little bits of Sesame Street, Clifford, Curious George, Dora, Diego, Wonder Pets, Thomas and Friends, Mickey Mouse, and a few others we've shown him bits of. He doesn't sit still to watch TV though. He'll watch bits in between playing or running around. So, really it's easy to limit what he's watching.

7. He likes to help "make" his meals and pick out what he's having.

8. Zac is really good at pretending. He plays with his pizza set and serves us pieces to eat. He likes to pretend to be a baby.

9. Zachariah recently discovered "over", "under", "around", "through". When I first noticed this, I led him on an adventure through the house. We went over certain things, crawled under tables, went around toys on the floor, and through doors.

10. There are so many new things I'm sure I could list here, but I can't think of them. I need to start jotting down the cute things he does/says and post them occasionally.


Misty said...

What a little man! I love Mommy verses Mom or Mama....

Saly said...

I love it!! He is too cute for words.

Musings of a Mom said...

I think it's a great idea to put his milestones here, because you'll have a lasting record!