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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pee Pee on the Potty

Zac went pee-pee on the potty! Zac went pee-pee on the potty!

I'm doing a happy dance!

He's pooped once and only was about a month ago.

Today, he sat on the toilet before bath time (which he usually asks to do) and he PEED! I was so excited. He missed the toilet, but that's only a minor detail. When he sat, he was facing the side a bit and he wasn't protected by the little shield. But he purposefully peed just a little bit. YEAH! We came out and told Daddy and had a little treat. Zachariah was pretty proud of himself.

I have been thinking we'll start more potty training after the first of the year. I wanted to wait until we're settled and done with all our Christmas travelling. But now I'm thinking maybe we need to start this week. And I can take the mini-potty with us.

For now I'll just enjoy the fact that he went in the potty! WOO HOO!


Misty said...

Congratulations ZAC & mommy!!!! This is cause to celebrate, for sure!

jen said...

yay! Good Job, Zac!! it's so cool.. and something your pre-baby self never thought you'd be proud of. Good luck with this week!!

d e v a n said...

woot! Good job!

Saly said...


2Forgetful said...

Woo Hoo!!! Keep up the good work, Mommy Daisy. Oh, and you, too, Zachariah!