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Monday, December 17, 2007

Ba ba baking

I feel like I've baked enough cookies (along with candy, fudge, etc.) to feed a small army. I have baked/cooked almost all day long today. And it's not over yet, folks.

Matt and I decided that we would sell some baked goods as a fundraiser towards his trip to Mali, West Africa. (I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I can't find a post to link to, hmm.) Anyway, we got some orders for cookies from people Matt works with. In addition to that I've made fudge, candy, and other things to sell too. I hope that this works out well for him. I know I've put a lot of time and energy into it. It's worth it to be a part of his trip.

And I promise when I have a chance (and the motivation) sometime I'll post recipes that I used for things. Yummy, yummy goodies.


d e v a n said...

Great fundraising idea!

Misty said...

yes... do post! Clever idea!

Saly said...

What a great idea. You can't go wrong selling sweets.

2Forgetful said...

How smart! Hope the selling goes well.