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Thursday, March 14, 2013

38 weeks!

I am officially 38 weeks pregnant today. I can't believe how fast this is going. And I'm very excited to be meeting me new little boy very soon. At this point I know it will be no more then 2-3 weeks. It is a little surreal.

I had my checkup with the OB yesterday. Things went pretty well. They were a little concerned at first, because my blood pressure read 140/100. Yikes! That's high for me, especially since I'm on medication for previous blood pressure concerns this pregnancy.

Everything else looked good. The baby's heartbeat was normal. My urine sample came back with everything normal. And I am experiencing no other symptoms to indicate blood pressure (or really preeclampsia) issues. So after waiting a little while, the doctor rechecked my blood pressure. It was back to normal and even a bit lower in my left arm. Because everything else was good & it was fine now, this set everyone's mind at ease.

I'm under instructions to rest for an hour every day. Check my blood pressure occasionally and call if it goes up like that & stays there again. Otherwise, we'll wait another week and see what happens. It did earn my a non-stress test (NST) to check on the baby though. So we were at the office longer than planned. Fortunately Matt's job is pretty flexible for things like that, and he was able to stay with me. The NST results were good. I'll have an appointment in a week & another NST scheduled then too.

Before I left the doctor wanted me to talk game plan. She said at this point she wants to have an idea of what we'll do if I go over my due date. She doesn't want to pressure me into rushing into things, but just wants to know my thoughts. Being due around a holiday makes it a little odd too, but we've made no plans for Easter this year. I'll either be waiting on baby, in the hospital or have a newborn at home. Too much  to try to think about doing anything else.

I should mention that the doctor is fine with my going to 41 weeks too. I'm happy about this, but it's so different than last time when I was induced at 39 weeks (because of elevated blood pressure & a big baby). She doesn't think this baby will be quite as big. And I agree, I don't think he's as big as Zachariah was.

And we also talked birth plan at this appointment. I'm pretty easy going, but there were a few things I wanted to have done if possible. Mostly about mommy/baby bonding immediately after birth. My doctor with Zachariah wasn't into that, and I feel like I really missed out. This doctor is all on board and in fact added her own thoughts. I am so excited. I was really happy to hear her ideas, but I think I'll save that for another post.


Sarah said...

That's great! I'm really liking what I'm hearing about your doctor. You have Dr. S, right?

Unknown said...

Sarah, I'm seeing Dr. Kindig (and occasionally Coates in the same office). It's Dr. Kindig that I'm loving. Dr. Coates is pretty easy going too.

Jana said...

So glad you're doing well! I was getting a bit worried about you. Best wishes for an easy delivery and a quick recovery!