My sister-in-law had her baby a month ago. I've been able to see him a lot in the last few days with the funeral visitation and funeral of Matt's cousin. All the family has been around and while sad, it's good to catch up with everyone...and getting a little nephew spoiling in.
Today, though, right as the funeral was ending...
My sister gave birth to her first baby. A boy! 7 lbs 12 oz 21 inches! Perfect!
They named him Easton David! I love it!
She did it all naturally. No epidural or other drugs. She was a trooper and had a great birth. I saw her an hour after she had him (I got there as soon as I could, but I had to wait until the funeral was over). She looked and felt great.
I was able to spend a while at the hospital. Everyone came by right away, and they trickled out. I stuck around to help her with the baby for a bit. I was able to help her with nursing quite a bit. He'll be a good little nurser. He got a great latch. I enjoyed sharing some wisdom and knowledge with her. And both the new parents asked me lots of questions and thanked me for my help. It felt great to be so useful. And I'm so grateful that my sister and I have such a close relationship that I can do that for her. I will never forget that. It was so special to me.
So, I introduce my newest nephew! What a sweetie! I can't wait to spoil him rotten too.
And Auntie Sarah (me!) and Grandma with the new little guy!