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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Show Off

I can't help it. I must show off these hats I made!

Yesterday I came across a pattern for adorable owl hats that you can make in any size. Well, I know that Sara is a little addicted to owl things. And since she just found out the sex of her babies, I knew I had to make these. (Eeee! So excited for her! And only 1 week until we find out what we're having too!)

I had enough scrap yarn to quickly make a few newborn size owl hats. They turned out so cute. Now I just need some black buttons for the eyes. I can't wait to make one for my own little baby. Although it's hard to imagine a hat small enough to fit into these little things. So tiny.

Zachariah saw the little blue one this morning and requested one be made in his size. How can I refuse that?!! I might even make one for myself.


Jana said...

How cute are those hats?!? Makes me (almost) wish we were having another baby... ;)

Jessica said...


Anonymous said...


Can I have one too? :)

Saly said...

I can't wait to put them on the babies!! BABIES!!

d e v a n said...

They are SO cute! Great job!

CAQuincy said...