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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Support March of Dimes

I'm so sorry that I've been MIA for the past...almost 2 weeks. Eek! It's been longer than I thought.

So some things have been happening with my family (well, it all happened today unfortunately) that I really need to share, but now is not the time.

I wanted to tell you about my awesome friend, Shannon. She's a great mother and woman. She has two little girls who were both born too early. Fortunately her little darlings are happy little girls now. But they have had their share of trials. And Shannon is now expecting their third (surprise!) baby. Yay!

She will be participating in her local March of Dimes walk on Saturday. She is trying to raise money for this and is offering up one of her beautiful baby quilts or a bag (winner's choice) for anyone who donates to the March of Dimes through her.

Go HERE to donate!

Shannon still needs some help. I have offered up a hand-crocheted baby blanket for another winner too. All you have to do is make a donation and contact Shannon letting her know you did.

Here is the baby blanket that I made. It's not quite finished, but it won't take me long. The edges will have a white shell all the way around. Or if the winner wishes, I also have a pink/white/purple baby blanket just like this. Unfortunately I don't have a photo. But you can choose either.

Please help support a great cause!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My little break...kind of

Ahh, it is so nice here. Quiet and very peaceful.

Zachariah is at his grandparents' house for a few days. He's having a great time there. And I'm having a great time here.

Last night Matt and I got to walk the aisles of the store without chasing someone else around. And we went out for a nice, leisurely meal and enjoyed ourselves.

Today I went to the grocery store alone. I could get what I needed and get in and out with no hassle. And this afternoon I've been able to watch movies that I want to watch, meaning not Bob the Builder or Strawberry Shortcake.

This evening we have a Good Friday service at our church. The choir is singing, so I have to be there early. But it will be nice not having to worry about whether or not Zachariah will behave through the whole thing. And afterwards we have plans to go out with some friends.

Yay! We're going out tonight with friends! We're having a late supper after the church service. I'm sure we will all have a great time.

The rest of our weekend will be pretty busy too. Saturday morning we're having Easter brunch with my family at my parents' house. She has an Easter egg hunt planned for the kids too. Then we'll head home after that, and in the evening we have plans to have supper with some other friends. Going out again! This time with a kid in tow, but I'm sure we'll still have a good time.

Sunday is Easter, of course. We will be at church in the morning as usual. Then I've invited Matt's family over for an Easter dinner. I have plenty of food planned, and I hope everything turns out well.

And I guess we really don't catch much of a break, because we're still having our regular small group meeting here Sunday night. I'm hoping they'll help us eat the leftover dessert from lunch.

How about you? What fun does your Easter weekend hold?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Still Spring Cleaning

I spent several days last week finishing up my first Spring Cleaning project. And it is finally finished. I did somewhere between 6 and 8 loads of laundry. All the blankets and towels that were stored in there needed wash so badly.

I was happy to get that closet cleaned out. And it has needed reorganized and cleaned out anyway. Then the layer of drywall dust in there has kept us from using it for weeks. That is no longer, the dust is gone, and the layout is easier to use now too.

I also packed away baby blankets and towels. Zachariah says we're saving them for his baby. He talks often about wanting a sibling. Some day, child, some day.

I haven't started a new project today. I will keep an eye on my list and either start something tomorrow morning or perhaps work on something tonight.

Anyone have any new ideas on who to get a certain little boy to poop on the potty? He will pee on it. He does great with that most of the time. He goes at home, at stores, at church, or anywhere else we go. But poop, not so much. Many times he poops when he's in bed and wearing a Pull Up. Then he of course wants changed right away.

I've tried bribing him with numerous things. It works now and then, but nothing consistently. He wanted a Cadbury Egg, so I told him he could gladly have one when he pooped in the potty. So later that day he did just that. And I gave him a Cadbury Egg. I told him there were more where that came from. (Like I told Matt, I'd go buy a whole case of them if I knew it would solve the problem.) Unfortunately that didn't do it.

So, I'm up for ideas. Nothing we try seems to work. And we've tried plenty of things.

In other news I have a new post up at PS Mom Reviews. I did a review for a new Thomas DVD. Go check it out. I am giving away two copies.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I am feeling pretty accomplished today (and this week really).

I did work on my Spring Cleaning Challenge. I started on the bathroom closet, because that needed done first. It was terrible, because everything in there was covered in drywall dust since the work our friend did weeks ago. I cleaned out the rest of the bathroom stuff, but I never got to the big closet. It was full of extra towels, blankets, and bathroom remodel supplies. In general the closet needed cleaned and reorganized anyway.

Yesterday I worked on washing all the towels and blankets. I think I did 5 loads (maybe more) of laundry yesterday, and I still have 2 more to do. I cleaned out the remodel supplies and got them all dusted off. There are a few extra things that I need to pull out and clean, and I'm hoping to do that this evening. Then all the supplies need to go to the garage. The baby towels (that haven't been used in ages) and baby blankets need to be put in bins (will have to buy some) and stored.

It's been funny washing all these baby things. I can't wait to get them out and use them again. But for now, I won't torture myself, they need to be put away. Then I'll have more room in that closet anyway.

So I've worked on that project off and on for 2 days now. Hopefully I'll have it done by tomorrow. And I'm not sure where I'll start next. We shall see.

I'm feeling accomplished (not that it's under my control) that Zachariah has easily taken good naps for the past 2 days. Finally! He's really been fighting them for a while now. We've discussed whether he's ready to drop naps or not, but ultimately we believe the answer is no. He fights falling asleep. He'll continue to come out of his room with different excuses. But once he actually falls asleep, he'll sleep for at least 2 hours. I think that's a kid who still needs a nap. On days when I have to wake him up so I can go tutor, he is a grump. And he's even more of a grump on days he doesn't get a nap at all. Thank goodness it's been a good week for naps.

And lastly I'm feeling accomplished that I made the leap to get a new blog up and running. I have posted two reviews and giveaways already. If you haven't entered, go do that now.

I know I still have a lot to work on with the blog, but I'm making my way. There are some things that I need to learn about that I haven't had to worry about here. But this blog is different. Hopefully things will continue to go well.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Challenge...Spring Cleaning Style

This is no April Fools joke. I am challenging myself this month in Spring Cleaning. Yes, you read that right. I am going to make a BIG effort to do this.

Here is the challenge. Every day (weekday? 4 days a week?- whatever works) I will do one extra housecleaning project. This meaning something other than the normal laundry, dishes, dusting, vacuuming, bathroom scrubbing, etc.

Right now all my closets and cabinets need emptied out, cleaned, and reorganized. So that is where I plan to start.

Here is my list (and I'm sure it will grow and change):
*bathroom closet
*Zachariah's bedroom closet (that's a big one!)
*my bedroom closet
*hallway cabinet and drawers
*upper pantry cabinet
*office cabinet

Some of these things will be a more than one day project, so it will definitely keep me busy. I will get to work and post my progress here.

How about you? Do you need to do some spring cleaning? Would you like to join my challenge? We can encourage each other. Tell me what you need to do with your house. You can leave comments here or post about it on your own blog.